
Oh, hey... how are you doing?

Thanks for stopping by.

My name is Matt Garvey, and I'm a comic writer from the UK!

I've been writing comics for around nine years, but I only started printing and selling them in March 2016.

Since then, I've managed to release over 30 individual issues, a couple of trades, and sell thousands of comics through local comic shops, comic cons, and conventions.

I'm not really an "award" kinda guy, but over the last couple of years, I have won Best Original One-Shot at the Yancy Street Comic Awards for my one-and-done story Red Rocket Comet. That same story was also voted (by readers) as the Best Indie Comic of 2018 by Pipedream Comics... so that's nice.

I love helping others realize their dream of making comics too, so if you ever see me at a comic con, please feel free to stop by, have a chat, and pick my brains.

I'll try to help in any way I can... because if I can make comics, ANYONE can!