Untitled Generic Space Comedy #1
This is a physical copy of the independent, comedy space comic, Untitled Generic Space Comedy #1
When Earth is invited to join the federation of planets and given Warp technology, two Earth numbskulls leave for the stars for an adventure of a lifetime...Only to realise life in space is just as mundane as it was back home...well until they accidentally start an intergalactic civil war.
Genre: Scifi, Adult Comedy, Action,
Please be aware that this comic is not suitable for children.
Written by Matt Garvey
Interior art by John McFarlane
Colours by Allison Hu
Cover by Rob Guillory (CHEW, Farmhand)
Who is this Comic recommended for?
This comic is ideal for fans of movies like Spaceballs, Star Trek and Star Wars
Comic Details:
Type of Comic: Miniseries
Colour/ Black & White: colour
Length: 24 pages
Cover printed on 170 gsm paper
Interior pages printed on 150 gsm paper
Comic Size: US Standard comic size
**Also, please be aware that if you are placing a comic order along with other Apparel or Merch orders, comic items will be shipped to you separately.**